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Where to Buy Klonopin (Clonazepam) Without Prescription

Klonopin is a synthetic anticonvulsant drug used to treat epilepsy and other mental disorders.

Where to Buy Klonopin (Clonazepam) 2mg Without Prescription ?

Pharmacological action of Klonopin

According to the instructions for Klonopin, the active ingredient is clonazepam. Klonopin tablets belong to the benzodiazepine derivatives group. The drug has pronounced anticonvulsant, central muscle relaxant, sedative, anxiolytic, and hypnotic effects on the human body. It reduces the excitability of subcortical brain structures and dulls postsynaptic spinal reflexes.

The anxiolytic property of Klonopin is due to the influence of the drug's active component on the amygdala complex of the limbic system, which decreases emotional stress, anxiety, and feelings of fear and anxiety. The sedative effect is due to the drug's influence on the reticular formation of the brain stem and on the nonspecific nuclei of the thalamus, resulting in a decrease in neurotic symptoms.

The anticonvulsant effect is due to increased presynaptic inhibition, accompanied by suppression of epileptogenic activity that occurs in epileptogenic foci of the cortex, thalamus, and limbic structures. Thanks to the active component of the drug, paroxysmal activity of various types is suppressed

The central muscle relaxant effect is due to the blunting of polysynaptic spinal afferent pathways, which are responsible for inhibiting the central nervous system

Indications for use of Klonopin

Klonopin is prescribed for:

  • Epilepsy in children and adults, accompanied by atonic seizures, absence seizures, and spasmus nutans;
  • Paroxysmal fear syndrome, phobias;
  • States of psychomotor agitation that arise against the background of psychoses of a reactive nature.

Indications for Klonopin also include:

  • Somnambulism;
  • Muscle hypertonicity;
  • Psychomotor agitation;
  • Insomnia, especially with organic brain lesions;
  • Tremor, delirium, hallucinations, acute agitation;
  • Panic disorders.

Directions for use and dosage

The duration of therapy and dosage of Klonopin tablets are prescribed and adjusted exclusively by the attending physician. For adults, it is recommended to take Klonopin tablets at an initial dose of no more than 1.5 mg per day, divided into 2-3 doses. The maintenance dosage should not exceed 8 mg per day, which should be taken in 3-4 doses.

The initial dose should not exceed 3 mg for infants up to the age of 5, and from 5 to 12 years—3-6 mg. The maximum pediatric daily dose of Klonopin is calculated at 0.2 mg per 1 kg of the child’s body weight.

Contraindications to the use of Klonopin

The instructions for Klonopin note that the drug is contraindicated for people with acute respiratory failure, depression of the respiratory center, acute poisoning with sleeping pills and narcotic drugs, shock, angle-closure glaucoma, coma, myasthenia, acute alcohol intoxication, which is accompanied by a weakening of important body functions

Klonopin tablets are contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation. The medicine is not prescribed to people in a state of severe depression since the development of suicidal tendencies is possible; therefore, Klonopin is not available without a prescription. Klonopin should not be taken by patients with severe liver disease or severe chronic respiratory failure.

Side effects

Klonopin can cause a number of adverse reactions in the body. At the beginning of therapy, you may experience feelings of fatigue, drowsiness, and lethargy, which are accompanied by dizziness and headaches. Dry mouth, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, jaundice, and liver dysfunction may occur.

Side effects may also include skin allergic reactions, withdrawal syndrome, leukopenia, low blood pressure, dysmenorrhea, anemia, neutropenia, tachycardia, incontinence or urinary retention, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, alopecia, changes in libido, respiratory depression, changes in pigmentation.


In case of an overdose, depression of the central nervous system occurs, which is accompanied by drowsiness, confusion, depression of reflexes, and breathing. There are cases when a person falls into a coma.

Additional information

Drinking alcoholic beverages is contraindicated during Klonopin therapy. With long-term use of Klonopin, there is a possibility that the drug may affect the mental and physical development of a child, which may not become apparent for many years. It is recommended to refrain from work associated with operating heavy machinery and vehicles, as the drug affects the speed of psychomotor reactions.